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Below are some examples of results of recent Personal Injury cases our attorneys have worked on over the years in both New York and Connecticut.

Result: $300,000
New Haven Judicial District
Car backed up into car behind it, causing front end damage
Injuries: future hip surgery and long-term lost earnings

Result: $350,000
Queens County Supreme Court
Slip and fall on cracked sidewalk in front of house
Injuries: broken hip and long term care and disability

Result: $230,000
Westchester County Supreme Court
Trip and fall down dimly lit staircase in single family home
Injuries: broken wrist, long term missed employment and chronic pain

Result: $70,000
Westchester County Supreme Court
Pedestrian struck head-on by car while crossing street
Injuries: broken collarbone

Result: $45,000
Stamford, Connecticut Judicial District
Car struck from behind at traffic light
Injuries: soft tissue, neck and back injuries resulting out of whiplash

Result: $40,000
Westchester County Supreme Court
Car struck from behind at traffic light
Injuries: soft tissue, neck and back injuries resulting out of whiplash

Result: $160,000
Westchester County Supreme Court
Woman struck from behind while in car at traffic light
Injuries: disc bulges in neck and back, long term physical therapy